wise asking

seeking wisdom from the king of kings

Matthew 13:31-58 January 24, 2012

Matthew 13:31-58

So, since in my last post I figured out that the kingdom of heaven is present in the here and now, let’s see what else Jesus can tell me about the kingdom of heaven.

  • Verses 31-32: the kingdom of heaven is like a small seed that grows into something really big
  • Verse 33: the kingdom of heaven is like yeast that works through all the dough until it is all leavened
  • Verses 44-46: the kingdom of heaven is like a precious pearl that is worth giving up everything else to obtain
  • Verses 47-50: the kingdom of heaven brings in everybody and sorts them out in the end (also the point of the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares, which Jesus explains in verses 36-43)

So, the kingdom of heaven starts out small, but grows; works its way through its surroundings; is precious; and doesn’t discriminate in this life, but leaves judgment for the next life.  I think that last one is something worth spending some time on.  The kingdom of heaven doesn’t condemn, but leaves condemnation for God Himself to do IN HIS OWN TIME.  I have talked before about how I have failed in that area in the past.  But God is working on me in that area (and so, so, so many others).

There’s more in this passage, but I’m going to leave it at that.  I’m looking for ways to live out my faith in this life, to bring the kingdom of heaven into this world.  I’m looking for ways to help it grow, work through those around me, and to include as many people as it is possible for me to include.  I don’t want to see people thrown “into the furnace of fire” (verse 50) because they missed grace.  Anyway, if you have any ideas for how I can do that, let me know.


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